How Outdated Industries Make Room for “Disruptive” Millennial Business Owners


How Outdated Industries Make Room for “Disruptive” Millennial Business Owners feat. Raul Bolufe of Capital Rise Investments

Raul Bolufe of Capital Rise Investments, a real estate investment firm, stopped by the Freight Hub Group podcast to chat with Luis Lopez, TruckHub Founder, about what it takes to be a disruptive entrepreneur in age-old industries. More and more businesses, especially those with a wide range of services, look to double down on technology to help break past typical investment barriers. Learn more below in Podcast Episode 3!

Though in totally different industries, these two South Florida entrepreneurs have bonded over what it takes to run a successful business as a millennial.

Your recruiting marketing should be just as valuable to you as the marketing you do [for your services]…[because you need people].

Raul Bolufe, President, Capital Rise Investments

Podcast Episode 3 Highlights:

  • The value in niche-focused marketing
  • The importance of technology to millennials as they spearhead “disruption” in out-dated industries
  • The process of recruiting top talent in South Florida’s transient marketplace
  • Using technology to improve the experience of users

Tune in to hear Luis and Raul talk about how outdated industries create space for out-of-the-box thinkers! Check out the latest session with Luis in episode 4!

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Meet Luis Lopez

Luis Lopez is the chairman of Go Hub Holding Group, a logistics holding corporation and the active CEO of Freight Hub Group.