The Freight Guru

Podcast Episode 8 Port Of Miami


Today’s episode will be discussing the changes they are implementing at the Port of Miami (PoM) and how they will affect both carriers and customers. Specifically, the system they are implementing is the APM Terminal for gate appointments. This discussion is also relevant to other locations as other ports have already implemented gate appointment systems, such as the Port of Long Beach. Some places may be considering implementing it in the future.






How to Access It

The new APM terminal system is accessible by the TERMPoint website. Currently, it is used only for the South Florida Container Terminal. In the podcast, we have a 6min video on how to use the system. The video begins at 5:20 and ends at 11:28 in the podcast video linked below.


Why the Port is Adopting This System

If we look at current data, we see that total trade volumes for PoM are up 14.98% for January 2021 compared to January 2020. That is an even faster growth rate than was seen in December, wherein trade was up 12.17% compared to the same month the year prior. This massive growth is occurring in a port with limited and expensive real estate. It is almost inconceivable that we will see the PoM expand in size. That means that to sustain growth, they have to become more efficient. For shippers, this will be a short-term difficulty. However, once they’re used to the system, they should not notice any downside. For carriers, while there may be a short learning curve, it will likely be a boon in the long run. 


Information About The Port of Miami

Across all US ports, total imports are up 28.15%. The PoM ranks as 34th in trade. The total trade value in January for the PoM was $2.33B, which is up 14.98% compared to the same time last year. This explosive growth has led to crowding, and due to the lack of an appointment system, there is no way to know if the port is busy at any given time. 


How the New System Advantages Carriers

We are very optimistic about the new system. It has many positive takeaways, as we noted in the list of pros. Some others that take more detail than can be provided in a simple bulleted list are that as the city population continues to increase, traffic is rising in tune. The appointment system helps to deal with this as you can schedule a pickup and departure when the roads are less congested. Also, there will be more mobility at the ports as only trucks with an appointment for that time will be there. That also means you will avoid an influx of drivers coming in from 6-7 am only to wait around. Furthermore, with less wait time comes less time idling trucks and lower fuel costs and emissions. Shippers will also need to be more thoughtful and provide 5-7 days of advance notice for dealing with imports.


Possible Changes at The Port of Miami if the System Works

If we, as carriers, can make efficient use of this system, it is not unreasonable to imagine the PoM becoming a much more productive port. That could lead to other changes coming down the pipeline, including a possible increase in open time. Doing that would allow for more pickups and dropoffs in a given day. 



The ability to plan ahead is one of the most vital factors in the supply chain. Shippers will need to be more proactive when notifying carriers about product movements. Carriers will also have to improve communication with shippers. That will lead to the supply chain becoming more robust overall. It is our opinion that despite any bumps on the road, this will lead to a more efficient way of operating out of the PoM. We would like to hear feedback from all of you. What are your feelings on the matter? Let us know if you feel this transition will be a net positive or a net negative.


Thank you for reading, and make sure to check out the full podcast available on our website! Or listen to the audio only version here.


The Freight Guru

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